I actually found out about Donna about 6 years ago or so from a friend .
We purchased our first Shih Tzu from her- Kayla . That dog was the most beautiful dog,
with gorgeous hair and a cute face and an amazing disposition .
At the time we had 2 female cocker spaniels approx ages 6 & 7 yrs and
they were mother and daughter . When we brought Kayla home ,
the younger one immediately took to her and they were inseparable until
Kayla died in a Vets office after being fixed . ( anesthesia was too old and strong )
We were heart broken and worried about our Cocker Mandy who had become
so attached to Kayla , so we went back to Donna to “ look “ at puppies ,
and of course we bought one that night – her name is Allie Jo ( aka Gator ) .
She is absolutely gorgeous , and is the most loveable thing , and her and Mandy
were instant friends and again these two were like white on rice , they play together,
laid together and got into trouble together . Allie likes to shred toilet paper but couldn't
reach the roll on the wall so Mandy would grab it and pull down to were Allie could reach
it and do her thing . Allie would get up in the morning and immediately walk over and start
kissing Mandy to wake her – every morning , and at night Allie would lie with her and kiss
her until Allie fell asleep . We lost Mandy about 5 weeks ago suddenly to lung cancer and it
crushed me ( she was an awesome dog and gave me 13 love-filled years ).
So the day we had to put her down , once again, I was worried about Allie, so we
called Donna and she told us to come up and we did . That night we added Cody –
( my first male ever ) ( formerly known as OREO )
and we brought him home and once again my
house is alive . He is sooo cute , he gets into
everything, but doesn’t destroy anything.
He loves attention and his sisters .
I love watching my furry tumbleweed blowing through
the living room and kitchen - Allie and Cody start
wrestling and then one takes off running and the
other chases and then finally one catches the other
and they start rolling around and when they get tired,
it all ends with the two kissing each other.
They play together, sleep together, and again...get into trouble together.
Now he gets upset if she leaves the room without him.
Donna’s dogs are among the healthiest ,most beautiful and extremely well tempered dogs ,
my dogs have all loved people ,especially children – but love attention from anyone .
I would highly recommend her dogs and know that in the future , hopefully not too close
( I have a 14 yr old cocker still ) that I will be buying another family member from her .
Steven Bigus

My male Shih Tzu, Wyatt, developed lymphoma when he was 2 1/2 years old and
passed away in January 2005. Eleven months after his passing I was online looking up
dog breeders and I came across a photograph of a puppy I immediately fell in love with.
He was tan with a dark mask, little black almond eyes, and the cutest upturned little nose
just like my female dog, Wendy's. It was love at first sight so I emailed Donna and asked
if the two male puppies on the web site were still available.
The next morning Donna emailed back that both boys were available and we made
arrangements for us to go up there that afternoon to see the boys. I couldn't wait
to see the puppy I'd fallen for on the internet and was a little worried in case he
didn't feel the same way I did. That didn't turn out to be a problem. As soon
as I ran to him and picked him up he put both fuzzy paws on my cheeks and
licked my face as if to say it was about time I showed up to claim him!!
We named him Cody and his middle name is Wyatt. He adores Wendy
and she loves him which is no small matter since she's not one to give
her heart easily. They do the Shih Tzu 500 Race together most mornings
and lay by each other in bed at night. The rest of the time he's permanently
glued to my side, my best buddy.
Cody is sweet, gentle, funny, handsome...I could go on about him
all day. Everyone who meets him loves him.
If I were to ever adopt again I would go straight to Precious & Few
for a puppy as I know we would get another beautiful, happy,
and healthy dog to be a loving part of our family.
Phyllis Hacker
Philadelphia, Pa.

My husband and I purchased our Shih Tzu from Donna last year and couldn't be happer.
Sadie is a beautiful specimen and the only dog that we ever had that
loves all vegetables including peas and asparagus. Donna takes breeding
very seriously and my husband and I were both impressed, not only with
the cleanliness of her place, but with the time and attention she gives to
all of her dogs. I would never consider going anywhere else for a puppy.
There was a time before Sadie was altered that we thought that our
other male Shih Tzu had gotten her in the family way. My husband
was most concerned, he even traveled up to her home one morning
so that Donna could examine Sadie. (My husband had taken Sadie
to the vet, but would not allow x-ray's to be taken of Sadie in case she was pregnant.) Donna responded
to all of our emails and the phone calls and showed us both that she does care and went above and
beyond to help us.
There was another verbal condition that we purchased Sadie under that, if for any reason that we
could no longer care for Sadie, we would return her to Donna.
She is the best!!!
Deb & Phil Kizun
Hackettstown, N.J.

If you would like to add your "Precious" story to
the Testimonial page please send your story
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